Human Rights Games


Lead organisation: NGO Happy Kids / ГО «Щасливі діти» (Ukraine)

Partner organisations: Be International (Czech Republic), Podkarpackie Stowarzyszenie dla Aktywnych Rodzin (Poland), Education for Equality and Ecology - Edeqec (Slovak Republic)

Donor: International Visegrad Fund

Implementation period: 10/2023 – 9/2024

Aim of the project

The project aims to improve the knowledge and skills of Ukrainian youth in the field of human rights, non-formal education and project management. The youth’s capacities are built through trainings, mentoring, and the creation of human rights games. Active young people in Ukraine work with mentors to develop their own human rights games, which are tested afterwards during activities with children, youth, and their peers. At the end of the project, the original games will be available online for download for organisations, cultural centres, and schools working with Ukrainian children, youth, or adults.

Main project activities

In the project, the following three main activities are implemented:

  1. A training programme consisting of two trainings: a) theoretical training focusing on human rights theory and selected human rights topics; b) practical training focusing on the games development and their usage in non-formal education.
  2. Development of human rights games in groups in collaboration with mentoring and subsequent testing of the games in communities.
  3. The final presentation of the created human rights games to the public.

News follow on the FB page.

Project „Human Rights Games: Active Youth Addressing the Current Human Rights Struggles in V4+ Region“ implements NGO Happy Kids (UA) in partnership with the organisations Be International (CZ), Podkarpackie Stowarzyszenie dla Aktywnych Rodzin (PL), Education for Equality and Ecology - Edeqec (SK) and with the financial support of the International Visegrad Fund.

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