Forgotten Herstories


Implementation period: 7/2024 – 6/2026

The project is supported by EVZ Foundation within the local.history program focusing on the era of National Socialism and the Second World War.

Aim of the project

The project is dedicated to spreading awareness and educating the public, with an emphasis on young people, about the horrors of National Socialism, the importance of the Slovak National Uprising and the life and role of women in the period of the Slovak state (1939-1945). We commemorate women's heroic and ordinary acts from this period and highlight the different aspects of care present in their stories. Through the concept of care, we interweave and compare the past with the present and explore care as a key value in times of crises - in the past and today.

Main project activities

Over two years, we will implement the following activities:

  • mapping the women’s stories from the period of the Slovak state (1939-1945);
  • development and creation of educational activities and tools connecting the past with contemporary issues and emphasising experiential learning;
  • training programmes for youth workers and future teachers;
  • organising the public events..

News follow on our social networks (IG, FB) and on the website.

The project was supported by EVZ Foundation. (EVZ Foundation).

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