Taking Action Against Sexist Hate Speech




DURATION OF THE TRAINING: 9 days including travel

PLACE: Slovakia


TRAINING COURSE PROGRAMME AND RECOMMENDATIONS: https://www.edeqec.sk/tips_and_tricks-2/

The project was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

The project Taking Action Against Sexist Hate Speech aims to raise awareness among youth workers and young leaders about hate speech against women and the LGBTIQ+ community and equip them with tools to identify and tackle the phenomena.

We have been taught to overlook sexist hate speech while gender stereotypes became deeply rooted in our lives. We absorb them through socialization; we are not aware of our prejudices, and consequently, we reproduce them. Such reproduction may and does have harmful effects on individuals – especially girls, women and marginalised groups. Sexist hate speech negatively impacts the self-confidence of women and girls and equals to a form of violence. We can not allow sexist hate speech to become normalised among youth and in the upcoming generations.

While anti-gender forces have been extensively polluting the atmosphere and narratives in Europe in the last decade, the anti-gender rhetoric resulted in the refusal of the Istanbul Convention in several countries and intensified hate speech against the LGBTIQ+ community. In the project, we will stress both sexist hate speech and hate speech against the LGBTIQ+ community as two specific but interconnected forms of hate speech.

During the training course, we will train 28 youth workers and young leaders from seven countries (Slovakia, Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Ireland, Poland and Bulgaria), share experience, build alliances and develop strategies to tackle the specific forms of hate speech.

The training course will:

  • increase the youth workers‘ competencies to recognize hate speech against particular groups;
  • increase the youth workers‘ competencies in gender equality and deepen gender sensitivity;
  • acknowledge the dangers of sexist hate speech to democratic values;
  • introduce the youth workers to human rights and anti-hate speech tools to eliminate such form of violence;
  • empower youth workers to stand up for human rights offline and online;
  • enable sharing of good practices of anti-hate speech actions;
  • and create new initiatives on the local and international level to combat sexist hate speech and hate speech against the LGBTIQ+ community.

Read the report and feedback from participants:

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